Did you know that Pet Care Grooming Products are not regulated by the FDA and the List Of Ingredients does not have to comply with the same FDA Labeling Rules as for human cosmetic products?
This is the reason when reading a Pet Care Grooming Product List Of Ingredients you will often see ingredients listed as “coconut-derived surfactants” for instance. And, that tells you absolutely nothing useful about the ingredient. This lack of ingredient transparency is quite disconcerting and I certainly would not use a product with such vague ingredient listings on my Moyen Poodle, Remy.
At Desert In Bloom Cosmetics Lab we take the same approach to developing Pet Care Products as we do cosmetic products for humans including recommending that your label List Of Ingredients complies with FDA cosmetic labeling rules.
We have extensive experience developing effective, naturally-derived pet care products using the same care that we use to develop human baby care products.