• Pet Care Product Development

    Did you know that Pet Care Grooming Products are not regulated by the FDA and the List Of Ingredients does not have to comply with the same FDA Labeling Rules as for human cosmetic products? This is the reason when reading a Pet Care Grooming Product List Of Ingredients you will often see ingredients listed [...]

    Published On: December 1st, 2023
  • BIGGEST TRENDS EXPECTED TO DRIVE CUTTING-EDGE BEAUTY PRODUCTS 2024: MARK BROUSSARD FEATURED IN BEAUTY INDEPENDENT Skin Minimalism 2.0 Skin minimalism 2.0 is a trend towards highly effective products with lean list of ingredients employing combinations of multifunctional ingredients. This trend is primarily driven by consumers who are seeking cosmetic products that produce a noticeable improvement in the appearance of their skin, be it fading dark spots, reducing the appearance [...]

    Published On: December 1st, 2023
  • MoCRA Myths – Guidance For Beauty Brands

    In light of the recent FDA Guidance delaying Enforcement of Product & Facility Registration (only) until July 1, 2024, here's revised guidance. To be clear, all of MoCRA has NOT been delayed until July 1, 2024. Your product label should contain the declarative statement identifying the Responsible Person (ie: The Brand) in either of these [...]

    Published On: December 1st, 2023